In addition to being invited to be on ITV’s Election Night report tonight – in studio from midnight to 1AM – Brian will also be on the ITV ‘Good Morning Britain’ programme Friday 8 May, from 8AM.
ITV coverage from 9.55pm
OPINION ROOM (after midnight tonight)
ITV News’ Nina Hossain will be joined by key commentators and analysts in ITV’s specially designed ‘Opinion Room’ – a working environment where the country’s top writers, bloggers and thinkers will watch the results come in and share their expert interpretation of the night.
Guests will include The Times political writers Daniel Finkelstein, Phillip Collins, Matthew Parris and Jenni Russell; Professor Vernon Bogdanor; Guardian columnist Owen Jones; The Spectator’s Fraser Nelson and Isabel Hardman; Contributing Editor, Newsweek, Miranda Green; author of ‘Revolt on the Right’, Matthew Goodwin; LBC’s Nick Ferrari; writer and biographer, David Torrance; political and social justice commentator, Sophia Cannon; Institute of Government’s Dr Catherine Haddon; Chief Executive of the Electoral Reform Society, Katie Ghose; political strategist, Jag Singh; journalist and campaigner, Paris Lees; Founder of the Common Decency Campaign, Brian May; poet, Musa Okwonga; British Future’s Sunder Katwala and UCL Constitution Unit’s Robert Hazell; William Hill’s Graham Sharpe and Hjalmar Kvam and ComRes pollster Andrew Hawkins.
Members of Twitter’s Government and Elections team will be embedded in the Opinion Room, where they will provide live, real-time updates on how the election is happening on social media and insight into how the campaign has unfolded on Twitter.
With 35 million people using Facebook in the UK, and many using it to share their opinions on the issues that matter most to them, politics and elections were the most talked about topics on the site last year. Facebook’s government and politics experts will be with ITV in the Opinion Room to discuss trending election topics and provide up-to-date analysis on how the conversation is unfolding throughout the night.
Alex Chandler, Programme Editor of ITV’s Election 2015 programme, said: “First with the results, fast with analysis and focused on telling the story of the election as it happens, ITV’s overnight programme will guide viewers through the most complex and unpredictable race in a generation with comprehensive coverage of the battle for Number 10 and what lies ahead once the results are in.”
ood Morning Britain will bring viewers the results, reactions and analysis of the most closely contested general election in recent history, the morning after polling day. Presenters Susanna Reid and Tom Bradby will anchor the programme from the Good Morning Britain studio while Ben Shephard will report from a Thames riverside location, where he will be speaking to key pundits and opinion formers.