Just when I was beginning to think the good times must be in the past ! ha ha!

OK ! We did it ! We Will Rock You in the Dominion Theatre London became the longest running show in this venue ever, last night. We had a special presentation in the theatre, by our good friend Steven Murtagh, the Theatre Manager, of a nice plaque, in front of a crackin’ audience, and a similar plaque will appear soon on the wall in the Dominion, to commemorate the achievement. We had drinks afterwards with our entire team in our Circle Bar, and though I spent most of the time doing interviews, there were some nice moments. I don’t get in there enough these days ….was a time when I was never away for more than a few days. Nowadays times are busy … being a touring band is kinda a full time job ….especially when you are working on secret Astronomy projects at the same time !!!
I have to share this vision from a friend, of me, being snowed under …. it’s not flattering, but it’s actually pretty much how I feel a lot of the time ….the funny thing is, the snow is all good stuff, but it can suffocate nevertheless … you know you can be killed by kindness ?
Well, judge for yourselves, if you are still with me. If you are …. well thanks for dropping by …
Reprinted here with permission
lotsa love
Oh, I nearly forgot … we were also presented with an award for now being the most successful act ever in the UK charts …. taking over the spot which the Beatles have held for years. I’m beginning to feel very smug, ha ha ! THANKS to all of you out there we are zooming on at an ever-increasing rate ….
Love Bri