Well, folks ….thanks for your messages ! I had a great day at the Palace, bringing back memories of the “On the Roof” day many moons ago. The Queen was very charming, as she placed the medal ribbon over my head and asked if I found it warmer inside the Palace !
It was a great opportunity to bring my family together … here’s a pic of my great son Jimmy, and Commander May, and his dear Wife – celebrating ! Cheers ! More pics later ….
Commander Bri
LUNCH !!! At RULES. A beautiful Non-Smoking Restaurant. As you can see, Anita’s colour coordination instincts are impeccable as usual !
Bri models a new Paul Smith shirt for the occasion !

Here’s the medal close-up … it’s actually a lovely piece of work (and very heavy !) I will treasure it.
And my thanks to everyone who worked very hard for me to be honoured. I will endeavour to be worthy of it.