It was a day for the League to acknowledge great works today, and they did so with great sensitivity and a light touch of humour.
Among the honorees was myself. I was happy to accept the title of LACS Supporter of the Year. League CEO Joe Duckworth prefaced the ceremony by saying the award was not so much for supporting the League as bringing new impetus to the world of Animal Welfare campaigning.
There’s a video (LINK TO FOLLOW) of what I said in accepting the award. It’s interesting that I was not the only one to stress the principle of zero tolerance – ZT for cruelty to children, cruelty to old people, and cruelty to animals.
There are a few photos knocking around of the presentation, which we will channel. And we’ll follow up with a complete list of the award winners.
Thanks LACS ! Proud to be among you. You are a pillar of progress towards a humane world.
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