I’m in the War Zone of the Badger Cull in Somerset with the wounded badger patrols.
Talking to the farmer who has given his land over to Camp Badger. He says “The cull is a waste of time and everybody down here knows it.” He says “We do not own these lands – we are custodians, and it’s our duty to protect wildlife – not kill it.” This farmer also says the NFU doesn’t represent the farming community. They’re just trying to make a name for themselves.
Moving around fields here in the cull zone astonishing how few cows there are. However there are pheasant farms everywhere – real motives ?
Meeting the wounded badger patrol guys and sabs – what a wonderful bunch of decent people. I’m reminded that the likes of the Daily Mail have long deliberately blackened reputations of peaceful people dedicated to animal protection. Down here in Somerset in bloody badger cull zone, going out into the night, a kind of miracle is happening. Dozens of small groups appearing. In cull zone, I’m overwhelmed – good folks from far and wide give up their nights just to walk the footpaths. Their presence stops shooters.
Today one found dead badger was collected by the RSPCA as we arrived. Not known yet how it died. It’s brutal – and the secrecy is sinister. A dead badger found yesterday had crawled off to die. DEFRA said it was miles outside the cull zone, But the man who shot it said within zone.
Obviously DEFRA and NFU have a lot to hide here. Or else why all the secrecy ? Is this really England in 2013 ?
There are middle-aged couples here sitting on ancient badger setts all through the night. And the coordination is impressive.
Time to meet another group – down here in the Killing Fields. Saving badgers by their presence.
ike Rigby – local county councillor – outraged at the cull. Says others feel the same but nervous to speak.

More dangerous activists – retired teacher & nurse -no wonder they have to be kept away from NFU arse nals.

Brian with a retired teacher and a nurse Off for a walk. Lots of badger setts here. No cows in sight !
And with some excellently impartial officers keeping the peace ! courtesy of Nick Gargan
I’m going off line now, just in case I’m being ‘located’.
© brianmay.com