Do you ever wonder what we really get up to in the House of Common ? (I think they’re about to give us beds !)
Well, this is where we were today (among other places). In that part of the complex Parliament hive that is the home of the Opposition – it doesn’t have any blue walls! We were ‘pitching’ to the Labour Party our suggestions for what we’d like to see in the Labour Party Manifesto. We’re not members of the Labour Party, of course – we guard our neutrality very assiduously. But Ed Miliband and his team, led in this area by Maria Eagles, the Shadow Minister of the Environment, were very receptive. We will be lobbying all the other parties as hard as we can, but we thank these guys for giving us a formal opportunity to present our case. From the point of view of the poor, the disadvantaged, the disabled, the sick, and all animals … there is no doubt that ANYTHING would be better than this present Government. At the top level, the Labour Party are listening, and we thank them.
I will follow up with some details of our ‘pitch’ tomorrow.

Bri x