I don’t think the Resurrection video has been seen in the media very much – and certainly never in this high quality, now remastered by our brilliant team, especially for this new BM Youtube Channel. For me, it reminds me of an era that is almost gone from my memory; when I was convinced, following the loss of Freddie, that my destiny out there was as some kind of singing guitar hero. I poured a massive amount of energy into the track … inspired by the work of the fabulous Cozy Powell, who had thrown in his support in a massive way, propelling me forward, out of the dark place I’d found myself in after Freddie passed away.
So the musical part of this is something I’ll always be proud of. The video is really a separate vision. I collaborated with the H-Gun team, to make a clip which took the track into a different universe … for fun and entertainment, and perhaps to tear myself further away from the real underlying pain which gave birth to the song. Cozy and I spent a day surrounded by chemical bonfires, in a film studio in LA – being hooligans and heroes and having great fun. Enjoy ! Bri
Brian May – Resurrection – (Official Promo Video)
– http://youtu.be/iux9mTnf7xg
Resurrection – the Track – from the Brian May solo album Back to the Light.
Words by Brian May, music by Brian May, Cozy Powell and Jamie Page.
Musicians :
Cozy Powell (Drums), Don Airey (Keyboards) and Bri (everything else).
Record Produced by Brian May and Justin Shirley Smith
Engineered by Justin Shirley Smith
Includes material engineered by Sean Lynch and Leif Masses at Monnow Valley and Marcus Studios.
Mastered by Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, ME
Audio supervised by Justin Shirley-Smith and Kris Fredriksson.
Appears in a different form as an instrumental titled ‘Ride To Win’ on Cozy Powell’s 1992 album ‘The Drums Are Back’.
We traded contributions !
Resurrection – the Video:
Shot by Swell Pictures Inc
Production: H-Gun Labs SUPER NOVA EDIT
Director: Eric Zimmermann
Producer: Jim Deloye
Assistant Producer: Kevin Hinds
Cinematographer: Mike Wojciechowski / EM
Animators: Robert Bial / Patrick Siemer / Ben Stokes / SAWG / Adrian D / William Opdyke / Andy Montag
Post: Bill Sheahan
Video Transfers: David Dean at Westpoint Television
Video Restoration: Simon Marbrook
© brianmay.com