I realise I forgot to say Au Revoir and Merci Beaucoup to you folks in Paris.
In truth I was assailed by too many emotions. You guys were wonderful – giving us such fresh energy – I feel like we made contact with a whole new generation of Parisians who have their own ideas about what is cool. Thanks so much.
But I feel I should apologise for the situation in the concert. After all these years, we know how to best configure our shows to give maximum pleasure for all. But in Paris we found ourselves compelled to play to a seated audience on the floor, rather than let the kids want to rock come up close to us and give us the energy we need to give our best.
Add to that the fact that the security were obviously given license to behave in an obnoxious manner, waving torches in kids’ faces and generally intimidating anyone who so much as moved out of their seat. I know this ruined the atmosphere for so many of you, and it was heartbreaking for us to witness it from the stage and not be able to do anything about it. All through the amazing shows we have done on this tour we never had a problem like this anywhere else.
My sincere apologies – and I can give you my word that we will never again play in that situation. Thanks for your patience and dedication – you triumphed in the end !!! À bientôt !!!

Hello Antwerp !!! Excited !!!
See you very soon !!!!