With Save-Me CEO Anne Brummer and Charles Banner QC ?
To attend a conference entitled “Nature Recovery for our Survival, Prosperity and Wellbeing” – organised by the JNCC – the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. The JNCC is an independent advisory body set up to advise the Government on environmental issues. Their message today included the following ———.
“We know that recovering Nature leads to environmental security. Without healthy Nature, climate stabilisation, economic security, water security and food security cannot be achieved. By investing in nature within everything we do we are investing in the prosperity and wellbeing of all.
We know the relationship between climate and biodiversity is inseparable and societies must focus on both in tandem. If we fail on one of the biodiversity or climate crises, we fail on both.”
Taking part in this meeting I felt some hope – for the first time in a while. Finally this well-informed and influential group is speaking our language ! Well, much more than any such group just 10 years ago, when Anne and I founded Save-Me to fight for the rights of wild animals. Finally there is an awareness dawning that prioritising the welfare of the Natural World isn’t just a hobby – it’s VITAL FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE HUMAN RACE. Of course we have come from a slightly different viewpoint – which is that every creature has the right to be treated decently – whether or not it benefits humans – but the result is the same. This group of ‘stakeholders’ just MIGHT bring about the radical change in government priorities that we need to secure a healthy future for our beautiful planet and its inhabitants. Of course we have seen many false dawns – and the test will be not the words, but the actions – but at least some seeds of hope are being sown. For more details of this message which the JNCC will take to the Biodiversity conference in Montreal in a couple of weeks time – search for “JNCC statement” online.
The conference on Recovering Nature today at the Royal Society. And – yes – I did ask a question. I asked why the committee were not advising us all to eat less meat – since it’s been shown that cutting down our meat intake would slow down Global Warming, increase biodiversity, lessen the suffering of animals bred purely to be killed and eaten, and improve our health. The answer I got was more or less what I expected. Our country is not yet quite ready to put the needs of Nature first – but I now believe this will eventually come about. Please support the JNCC’s mission to COP 15 in Montreal.
