Journeying into London to appear LIVE on The One Show tonight


Journeying in to London to appear LIVE on The One Show tonight around 7pm on BBC 1.

I’ll be nervous because this project matters to me. As part of the small Gatcombe Farm team I’ve worked for the last 12 years in search of the TRUTH about cattle and badgers and a horrible disease called bovine TB – and made some astonishing discoveries – which you will see in this film.

I don’t want to screw up this opportunity. I’ve never found it easy doing chat shows on TV. It’s not an environment I’m comfortable in. Chat shows thrive on quick repartee and I’m a person who likes to sit and think before he answers a question. Of course politicians learn the technique of NOT answering the question – just saying what they want to get across. I seem to have the annoying habit of actually trying to answer honestly !!!

So wish me luck. This is a documentary which may in the end save the lives of 30,000 badgers – but it should also end up helping farmers defeat this terrible disease and save their cattle and their livelihoods.

Please DO watch the film —– 9 pm Friday on BBC2. And please do spread the word.

Thanks folks —-


Ready ! BBC ONE !! 7pm X

See ya !! Bri



Hi Folks

Here I am travelling through the English Countryside towards [the] TV studios where I will be appearing on The One Show tonight about 7:00PM.

So here you see my private face ‘cos I speak to you on here like you’re my friends – you’re my Bri Army – and you’re my good folks. On the TV I will be wearing my public face and trying to present the case on there for watching our documentary. That’s all I’m there to say really. I’m there to say to the audience who are watching The One Show, please tune in to our documentary at 9.00PM on BBC 2 on Friday.

I’m not there to get into arguments. There are many arguments to be had but this is a documentary that’s been made by a team of myself, an animal campaigner and rescuer, a farmer, and his amazing vet in the West Country and we’ve been working on this for around about 6 years and my whole journey has lasted 12 years.  This is a record of what we found and I’ll guarantee there’s some stuff in there that none of you know and if there’s any farmers watching. or if you know any farmers, even if they hate me, please get them to watch me and watch – it’s not just me – it’s our team, you know. My name is on it but this is a team effort.

And I just want you to see – I want them to see – and at the end of it maybe we can debate about what’s there but there’s nothing in there that’s slagging people off or whatever. It’s purely this is what we did.

Have a look at it. See what you think and see if we’ve discovered something or a number of things which will help farmers in the future and they will be able to solve the problem of Bovine TB, and strangely enough, without killing any wild animals, and that’s not even something I expected to be able to [claim].

So I’ll wave to you from The One Show, okay.

Cheers – God bless

FOR THOSE WITH BBC iPlayer – watch The One Show HERE