Big QUEEN news – She’s a beauty !!


Big QUEEN news — this one’s been a long time coming !!! 2 pm British Summer Time today !!!



Around 2PM…

She’s a beauty !! 💥💥💥💥

Half a century later, here is our debut QUEEN album, finally presented just the way we would have loved to present it in 1973. This is monumentally exciting for us, the final fulfilment of a dream. This is NOT just a remaster. The whole album has been lovingly REMIXED, from the meticulously restored original recordings on 16 track analogue magnetic tape. Although we were always proud of our very first album, it never had the SOUND we wanted. Being young whippersnappers at the time, we had no control over the way the instruments were recorded . It was recorded very dry in the studio – with no ‘room’, so to us the tracks have always sounded very lifeless and small. NOW – ou chaps have laboured for months in the digital domain, to magically out that ‘real’ warm sound back in, and together we’ve remixed the whole thing – including reinstating a track which never appeared on the original release. I think when you hear the new sounds – especially the drums – you will be stunned !! OK – lots more to say … as we go along. So why “QUEEN 1 ?” — because that’s exactly what we would’ve called it at the time if we’d known history was going to take us!
