PLEASE MAKE DOUBLE SURE THERE ISN’t a hedgehog in your bonfire tonight — BEFORE you light it.


Check before you light this Bonfire Nivht

PLEASE MAKE DOUBLE SURE THERE ISN’t a hedgehog in your bonfire tonight — BEFORE you light it.

Preferably rebuild it just before lighting, to a new position a few yards away from where the wood and brush was piled yesterday. We have so few of our wonderful British hedgehogs left, as they are more and more threatened by insecticides, herbicides and the appallingly bad slug pellets. Also by loss of habitat as we cover more and more of the country with concrete.

Please don’t comment by perpetuating the myth that Badgers are responsible for the decline of hedgehogs. They have coexisted in harmony for the last 20,000 years. That slur on the badger is just another piece of propaganda that has been used to ‘normalise’ the killing of badgers – to keep the conspiracy going which has kept an utterly ineffective policy for the control of bovine TB in place for over 13 years — which is why farmers are still struggling to deal with the problem. And this new government is STILL KILLING badgers – for no effect. Utterly shameful.

Meanwhile let’s all do what we can for all our beleaguered wild animals. I think we owe it to them.

HAPPY BONFIRE NIGHT ! Wherever I am I will be excluding fireworks that make a noise like a bomb. Time we all grew up really. Let’s just go for beauty rather than percussion and save the animals the stress.

Cheers – Bri