Details of FFAD 2014 Madrid, taking place 4 & 5 September 2014
Hard Rock Cafe
Paseo Castellana 2,
Madrid, SPAIN
Hard Rock Cafe Madrid opens on 4 and 5 September to celebrate Freddie for a Day !, raising funds to support education and awareness of children HIV/AIDS, through The Mercury Phoenix Trust.
Enjoy our PHOTOCALL to make funny pictures! using #FFADHRCMadrid hahstag and participate in the prize draw courtesy of Universal Music Spain.
LOCAL Legendary Burger Madrid: “The Moustache”, inspired by Freddie Mercury´s memorabilia.
(HRC will donate € 1 for each burger).
MOUSTACHES for sale.
Auction 25 Dyson vacuum cleaners: starting price 150 € (RRP: 300-600 €)
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Skyline Room. Price: 20 €
“The Brian May style” by Danny Gomez (Brian May, We Will Rock You, A Night At The Opera, etc.) with Brian May Guitars, Knight Audio Technologies, Optima strings, VOX Amplification and Positive Grid.
FLASHMOB by Hard Rock Cafe Madrid staff 3:00 p.m. – at HRC terrace “I want to break free”.
5:00p.m 7:00 p.m. – Skyline Room / 55 pax / Price: 8 €
Skyline Room 8:00 p.m CONCERT “A Night at the Opera” The Ultimate QUEEN Tribute.
Best national voices will turn into “Freddie for a Day”
Price: 20€ (Includes: Concert, beer or soda, moustache and raffle ticket).
Tickets available at Hard Rock Cafe Madrid´s Rock Shop.
OPEN from 10:00 till 1:30 Reservations Marketing Department:
+34 91 4364340 /
Hard Rock Cafe Madrid abrirá sus puertas el 4 y 5 de SEPTIEMBRE para celebrar Freddie for a Day!, recaudando fondos para apoyar la educación y conciencia sobre el VIH/SIDA infantil, a través de The Mercury Phoenix Trust.
Disfruta del PHOTOCALL para hacerte fotos divertidas! usando el hastag #FFADHRCMadrid y participa en el sorteo de regalos por cortesía de Universal Music Spain.
LOCAL Legendary Burger de Madrid: “The Moustache”, inspirada en la memorabilia de Freddie Mercury. (HRC donará 1€ por cada hamburguesa).
MOUSTACHES a la venta:
Subasta de 25 aspiradoras Dyson: precio de salida 150€ (PVP: 300 – 600€)
13:00 – 14:00 – Sala Skyline. Precio: 20€
“The Brian May style” by Daniel Gómez (Brian May, We Will Rock You, A Night At The Opera, etc.) con Brian May Guitars y VOX Amplification.
FLASHMOB por los chicos del staff de Hard Rock Cafe Madrid staff 15:00 – Terraza “I want to break free”.
17:00 -19:00 – Sala Skyline / 55 pax / Precio: 8€
CONCIERTO sala Skyline 20:00 “A Night at the Opera” The Ultimate QUEEN Tribute.
Las mejores voces nacionales se convertiran en “Freddie por un día”
Precio: 20€ (Incluye: Concierto, cerveza o refresco, moustache y ticket para sorteos).
Venta entradas en el Rock Shop de Hard Rock Cafe Madrid.
Horario: 10:00 – 01:30 Reservas en el Departamento de Marketing: 91 4364340 / madrid_sales@