Here are some videoarticles from the local TV station NDR in the “Hamburg Journal” magazine about the WWRY Opening Night in Hamburg.
Also with some Brian performance and interview.
Broadcasting 16th of March 2015 19:30-20:00 h P
rereporting with scenes of the press-call,sendung345658.html Minutes 14:25-17:15
Broadcasting 17th of March 2015 19:30-20:00 h
Opening Night review with a short Brian interview,sendung345718.html Minutes 23:20-26:10
The webvideos are only watchable until one week after broadcasting. Some kind of german bureaucracy.
By the way: The Queen Fan-Club Germany was also there with nearly one hundred persons and made big ringing-noise at the Seven Seas Of Rhye scene and not only there. Glad that Brian liked the evening. More info in aid of the MPT to follow.
With thanks to Andreas Streng