Queen Concert from Utrecht Dome (Netherlands)


Story from The Netherlands…

This night (24 August) I was working in my attic, when I heard strange and surrealistic versions of Queen songs coming through my opened windows. What the hell?

I jumped on my bike to find where it was coming from. The source appeared to be the Utrecht Dom tower (largest tower in the Netherlands). There was a crowd at the foot of the tower singing along with the music coming from above. It appeared to be an 80 minutes concert played by the offiicial Utrecht carillion player and two electronic pianists, all seated somewhere high in the tower. The atmosphere was great and enjoying Queen’s music with so many people in my own town was a goose bump experience.

The concert is live streamed to youtube: (Quite a wait at beginning – You might like to skip to 7:58)…

Malgosia Fiebig, Jeroen van Veen en Mike del Ferro spelen Queen / UKV Zomeravondconcerten 2015
 – https://youtu.be/UdQRdBm4Fjo
(Possibly skip to 7:58)

The organiser is pianist Jeroen van Veen: http://jeroenvanveen.com/queen/index.html

I take this opporrtunity to thank you for the marvellous concert concert in the Ziggodrome last January.

Wim Arnoldbik, (Fellow physicist)

With much thanks to Wiim