The following info received from Freddie van ter Beek, further to a fan event in The Netherlands last Saturday.
As there is no Dutch Fan Club Convention this year and Queen fan meetings having always been in the south of the country, a small more meeting was suggested, located in a central location in The Netherlands.
The meeting took place on 1 June. Seventy fans turned up in Zwolle for the first Queenday Zwolle! There was live music, a DJ, and a charity raffle and raised together with donated items that were sold, before the fan meeting took place, a total of 570 euro.
But…. also donated

This has been verified by several handwriting experts, Peter Freestone and Jacky from the International Fan Club and it is genuine! This is currently being auctioned.
All money will go to the Dutch Aids Foundation.
You can cheek out:
Facebook page Queendag Zwolle:
and article (in Dutch) in a regional newspaper: HERE