Jamie Humphries posted on his Facebook 16 March 2015:
Rehearsing with Brian May.. So frikin cool.
So now it’s press call.. Then it’s rehearsals with Dr Brian May for tonight’s WWRY Hamburg Premier.. Then it’s a huge party.. God I love my job!!!
Getting ready to perform the Hamburg Premier of WWRY. I get to perform Bohemian Rhapsody along side Brian May tonight which is the first time I’ve performed it with him!! Then it’s party time!! — with Oliver Poschmann and 3 others.

“Queen” guitarist Brian May (67) is on Monday the honor at the premiere of “We Will Rock You” more! Theater at the wholesale market.
The co-producer of “Queen” musicals has cast in Hamburg the musicians who will rock the stage to 19 April.
May: “Since our first concert in Hamburg 1974, we have a loyal fan base in the city. We are proud of this German production. It is unlike any other in the world.It is live, dangerous, and she rocks! “
Tickets 50-100 euros.