Brian on BBC “The Coronavirus Newscast”


Brian May: The Coronavirus Newscast 7 May 2020

Following on from BBC One Question Time, last evening, programming joined The Coronavirus Newscast – which featured our own Brian May.

7 May 2020
The Coronavirus Newscast 11.50pm-12.20am  [Pre-recorded at 7pm 7 May 2020 from his home.]

Adam Fleming, Laura Kuenssberg and Fergus Walsh discuss the latest coronavirus developments and are joined [on a video link] by Queen’s lead guitarist, Brian May.

The Queen guitarist tells us bands need to “rethink” whether touring and playing to large crowds is appropriate in a post-corona world. 

Brian was also asked about how the “You Are The Champions” single came about.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD “You Are The Champions” single in aid of the World Health Organization –