LSC Lockdown 50% off offer still available


LSC 50% lockdown offer

The London Stereoscopic Company’s mission during this strange time on Earth is to keep you entertained and so they’re delighted to extend the offer of 50% off all titles!

Missing any of the following from your collection?

– A Village Lost and Found – 22 Oct 2009
– The Poor Man’s Picture Gallery – 9 Oct 2014
– Diableries – Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell – 25 Oct 2014
– Crinoline: Fashion’s Most Magnificent Disaster -14 Apr 2016
– Queen in 3-D (Standard Edition) – 25 May 2017
– George Washiington Wilson – Artist and Photographer (1823-93) – 15 Aug 2018
– Mission Moon 3-D – Reliving the Great Space Race – 22 Oct 2018
– Queen in 3-D, The Bohemian Rhapody Deluxe Edition 1 Aug 2019

Now that the world has slowed down, there’s time to complete your collection and immerse yourself in the fantastic 3-D experiences held within the pages of Brian May’s stereoscopic works of art.

A discount also available on 3-D card sets (buy one and get subsequent at a discount).

**NEW** Digital Downoload 3-D cards

You can order now at

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