Well, we did it … we opened the “A Village Lost and Found” exhibition in the smallest Art Gallery in the World – the Gallery on the Green, Settle. Here we are at official opening time, in some very English torrential rain … which in no way dampened anyone’s enthusiasm. Thanks for turning up … all you brave Yorkshire folk … and some even braver folk who travelled from as far as Germany, Italy, Japan and even Newcastle, to attend this momentous moment!

photo: Darren Andrews

In the lower picture above, you can see the OWL stereoscope, which resides in the Phone Box, and glimpse the stereo cards in the racks behind … along with some explanatory boards. The pictures are all high quality restored stereo reproductions of the “Scenes in Our Village” cards by T. R. Williams – the subject of our book on this series. (See HERE in the LSC Website).
This exhibition will be there until January … so give yourself a treat and visit the tiny and lovely secluded village (no – sorry – town) of Settle in North Yorkshire. It’s a wonderful example of what most of us have lost … a community of quiet and respect – abundant in fresh air, green grass, and friendliness.
We stayed in a great hotel nearby in Austwick, called the Traddock – very much NOT the kind of USA-style chain hotel I am used to on tour. Full of smoky warmth and scent of wood fires, candles, flowers, and all sorts of soft furnishings which make you feel like you’re a guest in someone’s home rather than staying in a hotel.
Our show in the evening was similarly jolly and warm. Here is my snap of our excellent audience at the end of our talk, in the exquisite, and incredibly appropriate Victoria Hall, Settle, built in 1853.

Photo by Bri
Jen has put up a Youtube clip of the interview I did in the Gallery phone box itself. It’s quite amusing [HERE] …
Brian May Interview in a Phone Box, YTV Calendar News 4 Nov 2010
– https://youtu.be/ST3finFgVfw
and may people have already commented how jolly I am – the normal me – temporarily free of the need to fight the war against animal cruelty. It was a welcome break. Thank you, Yorkshire!