One Vision with Matt


[See LETTERS – referring to Countryfile’s Matt Baker, who interviewed Brian for The One Show last Friday …]

Yes, I was aware of Matt’s background, and conscious that he was anxious to press me hard.

I also know he chose his questions carefully, perhaps hoping that I would go into areas which were harder to defend. He is much more skilful than I am at TV presentation, of course. I always find it hard on these TV shows, in the tiny amount of time one gets, and when one is actually in the position of having to answer the questions that are put to you. Those questions, except the first one, were not the ones which were in the agreed ‘script’.

But in a sense I think this kind of confrontation can be was a good thing – in this case, I was made to argue my case more forcefully.

I think he’s a good guy, and was pretty fair, on his terms. He was also surprised, I think, when we were warming up for the show, at how fair I had been in making the film itself.

The main thing that was in my head sitting there, was how much I had had to leave out of the film – condensing 6 hours filming to 4 minutes 50 seconds was agony.

But – well, I was just just grateful for the chance to bring attention to the subject.

