Tucked away in a quiet corner of Battersea Park, just to the South of the old River Thames, sits a modest statue of a small animal – one of the most important monuments to animal suffering in the world. They call him the Little Brown Dog.

It’s an incredibly touching memorial, and has become a pilgrimage destination for many good human souls who, over the years, have fought to end the abuse of innocent animals like this small Terrier, who died in a vivisection laboratory in University College London. The story is told in the panels beneath the effigy. Yes – London University – a seat of the highest learning … my own University – a place of enlightenment and humanity, right? Sadly, more than 100 years after this memorial was made, countless thousands of animals are still suffering in laboratories in Universities and other institutions throughout this land of supposed animal lovers. As the inscription says … “Men and Women of England – how long can these things be?“
We convened at the site of the Brown Dog yesterday, Monday … a small bunch of folks dedicated to ending animal suffering … It was the occasion of the launch of the Green Party manifesto on Animals for the imminent Mayoral elections in London.
The Green Party is the only party currently laying its cards on the table as regards Animal Welfare in Britain’s capital city.
We will show you the manifesto, if you like? It’s here , and if all the ideas here were put into action London would be a far more humane place than it is now.
Here we are at the Press call …

This lady is the Green Party candidate for Mayor of London, Jenny Jones. Ah – but you say – “but how can a Green Party candidate possibly win this election? Surely it’s futile to vote for hers? Well, watch this space, because there is more to this than meets the eye. I hope to come back to you in a few days with some ideas on tactical voting for people who want animals to be better treated in London.
© brianmay.com