Cameron’s Badger Cull: Another bloody battle looms as the senseless carnage limps on


The Government’s shambolic reaction to the Bovine TB problem limped on today as Paterson announced that the random killing of badgers in Gloucester and Somerset will be repeated this Summer, while plans for the ‘roll-out’ to other counties is shelved. The second part of the announcement … that all those expensively laid plans (already paid for by the taxpayer) to expand the policy to the rest of the UK have been thrown in the bin, is enough to make it clear that the infamous cull is going nowhere, in terms of solving anyone’s problems. All it will do is inflame another reaction in the countryside from legitimate protesters who will underline the futility of the killing.

I personally find myself disgusted that Cameron and Paterson insult us all by continuing this spectacular failure, which can only get more and more embarrassing for them. It’s almost impossible to conceive how a government can put an “Independent Expert Panel” in place and tell the public that their next decision will be based on its report, and then, receiving the panel’s decision that the cull is both inhumane and ineffective, still carry on the killing. Of course, Paterson’s assertion that “we have learned lessons from this” is quite laughable, since there is every indication that things will get worse rather than better the second time around. And so the Government’s senseless face-saving limps on. Of course, to them, it’s not senseless because it keeps up the appearance of pandering to the NFU, keeping their part of the deal – that was evidently struck long before they came to power – a deal which will ultimately lose them the rest of the electorate.

Bring it on guys. Let’s see how REALLY unpopular you can make yourselves. Meanwhile we will watch as the innocent, and mainly perfectly healthy ,badgers limp away, wounded and dying … and until vaccination becomes priority, the disgusting disease called bovine TB is the only winner.

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Brian May

Contact: Phil Symes
