Dorchester set list – Cecil Lives video – New Petition


Well, set list was …

I Who Have Nothing

Butterfly Born Free (premiering the new Cecil’s Law video)

Crazy Little Thing called Love

Have seen not so many pics yet but here’s one from Sara…

Kerry and Brian at Wildlife Ball, The Dorchester 9 October 2015
Brian and Kerry at David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation Charity Ball

NEW PETITION for Cecil’s Law. Please SIGN and share – HERE – and please show people the video.

CECIL LIVES ! New orchestral mix Cecil’s Legacy Born Free video … THANKS.

Brian May & Kerry Ellis – Born Free (Cecil’s Version)

Cecil’s Law will stop hunters importing their gruesome trophies back to Britain. We are calling on Prime Minister David Cameron and the government to introduce legislation that would make animal heads, skins, claws and teeth contraband. We are outraged by the illegal slaughter of Cecil, and find it despicable that Britain has allowed the importation of lion trophies with the correct paperwork.

