Bri’s 3-D News – Crinoline !!!! [Exclusive]


Well, we’re finally about to release the CRINOLINE 3-D book, promised from last year. It’s all about the most outrageous fashion of all time, something Denis has researched for years, and I’ve learned a lot from the project. Crinoline is something a lot more significant (and dangerous!) than you might imagine … and there are great resonances from this 1860s phenomenon to the present day, as you’ll see. The release of the book is timed to coincide with the V&A – Victoria and Albert Museum – exhibition on the History of Underwear – called “Undressed” !  Our title is much less sensationalistic than theirs ! ha ha ! We have contributed some stereos to their exhibition, which looks like it will be sensational, so plan to visit the V ‘n’ A next month ! OK ?

Here’s the Crinoline slipcase cover (exclusively to Soapbox readers and LSC pals !) … to look out for in, hopefully, a couple or three weeks time.

Crinoline front cover

And the back of the slipcase gives a but more idea about what the book contains. Hope you’ll all get as fascinated as I have been.

Crinoline slip case back cover
An early layout – since amended.

Yes ! There is some humour in it ! Now that this weighty tome is at the printers, we’re hard at work on the next one … which will be all about that old group Queen, seen in a new way … “ QUEEN in 3-D ? ” You think ?

Well, more of that very soon.

Cheers !


Crinoline ROCKS !!! Believe me ! Launching imminently !

First trade announcement !

Brian May and V&A to release 3D Crinoline book 14 January 2016 by Katherine Cowdrey

Check out the V&A UNDRESSED Exhibition.


Bri with Crinoline book

