Late night loafing


Haven’t baked bread for a while. It’s therapeutic ! Spelt loaf. OK This is me being proud of myself. Let’s see how it tastes !

15th Loaf stereo

My 15th loaf. Proud !!!

15th Loaf

Late night loafing. Oooh ! Toast ! Wish I could share ! Well, you know, really share …

Thanks guys. I WILL share the recipe. It’s non-dairy and, while not exactly gluten free, we find that organic spelt doesn’t create the gut problems that wheat does. It’s an ancient strain that hasn’t been hybridised to increase yield and profit. I’ve been adjusting this recipe for a while and now it seems to be about right. I’ll put the recipe up on Bri’s Soapbox – at Along with all my rants !!!
