Remembering Freddie


Remembering our dear pal Freddie today, as always.

Here he is, performing in the rain in Cologne just a few months ago.

Brian and Freddie - Cologne 2016

Photo credit unknown I’ve had lots of comments about the dreadful quality of the recently-aired Channel 5 low budget ‘doco-drama’ about Freddie. It seems to be getting the same reaction on line …

Screen shot

Well, just don’t blame us, folks. We got wind of this project about 6 months ago, and asked them (nicely) to bin it.

So did Freddie’s family.

But Channel 5 were determined to go ahead. Shame on Channel 5. The cads even used my song title ! Not cool.

However the general feeling seems to be that this unwelcome little effort is already dying a quick natural death.

So – onwards. Freddie (and his dear Mum) will rise above it all …

