Hedgehog filming – and Guardians of the Galaxy


Hedgehog filming for Channel 5

All in a day’s work ! Hedgehog filming – to be aired in May – Meet the Hedgehogs – Channel 5 !


Bri and Natalie

Filming today with my pal Natalie, just 2 weeks old and – thanks to Anne Brummer bottle-feeding her through the nights – alive and well.

Natalie’s first steps !

Natalie's first steps



At Guardians of the Galaxy

In an ancient Palace of Rock something daring and new. I feel lucky. Thanks Guardians of the Galaxy !!!


Fluff up for the cameras

Ha ha ! I need a caption for this ! Any ideas ?! A little fluff-up. For the phalanx of cameras at the Guardians of the Galaxy screening ! The film is phenomenal.


Bri and Anita at Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy ! Well, we can all dream !


Bri’s Rhodo stereo of the day ! Happy Spring, folks

Pink Rhodo

I’m probably guilty of plagiarism as well as bad taste, but this makes me guffaw uncontrollably.

Have you tried turning it off


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