Filthy weather for our flight to Detroit. Flying into thunderstorms. This should be interesting. But at least this is a storm outside my head. Thunderstorms inside are harder.
Lift-off leaving Toronto.
Lift-off leaving Toronto –
Hello Detroit !!!
Safe touch-down in Motor City – thanks Cap’n Alan ! Now to set about making some noise.
Hello Detroit –
What a great bIrthday present ! I like this so much. THANKS !!! My friends – including all of you out there – worked so hard to give me a good birthday. I’m so grateful. My underlying truth is that July 19th is inherently the most painful day of the year for me. A birthday seems to magnify all the feelings of doubt and desolation that reside quietly in the recesses of the mind most times. I wonder how many of you feel the same. I’m grateful to be the other side of this one. Onwards ! To Rock one more time in Detroit !
And of course, as ever, in 3-D. This time wearing his space vehicle ! Happy Thursday folks !
Please help us petition for this law. It’s long overdue.
I am Groot !