Hello Liverpool


Hello Liverpool ! I think this might be the OLD Runcorn Bridge … ? Somebody might correct me. I like this one – a lucky shot really … but you have to work for your lucky breaks !!! Right ?

Runcorn Bridge

And this is – I reckon- the NEW Runcorn Bridge – over which we just drove – since we landed – on the way to the wilds of Wirral ! PLEASE view this in 3-D ! Beg borrow or steal an OWL viewer – or visit our LSC website for advice on how to view side-by-side stereos like this.

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Man’s wonders !!! 

Man's wonders

Around this point in the tour, you start to ponder …

Bri pondering

… what the back of the tour T-Shirt says ! You start to ponder what you took on, and how many days you have left to make these kinds of choices.

Back of tour shirt at Liverpool

Yes, still grateful … but the amount of energy in one body has a finite limit !


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