Fabulous Newcastle audience (Panoramas)


This is what a fabulous Newcastle audience looks like !!! THANKS dear Geordies !! 

Newcastle - large panorama  CLICK HERE FOR VERY LARGE SIZE (then click image or widen widow)
(Photo: Pete on Bri’s iPhone)

And this ! The whole picture. Thanks Pete for the panoramic pic. And thanks Newcastle. Stars as always .. Newcastle - panorama QCLICK HERE FOR VERY LARGE SIZE (then click image or widen window) (Photo: Pete on Bri’s iPhone)

Good Night and thanks Newcastle Metro Radio Arena, and all you good folks who manned it.

Goodnight Newcastle

Thanks Pete. A night of unusual challenges in the guitar dept., but we survived !

Brian playing Newcastle

CONGRATULATIONS Rosie !!! Prof Rosie Woodroffe honoured in Maddox prize nominations. Please do read her words here. https://www.zsl.org/blogs/wild-science/standing-up-for-science#.WiEqcz16mH8.twitter

Rosie Woodroffe

Can anyone tell me the story of this curious wooden chair ?

Curious wooden chair


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