Is this the real life ? Pendon Museum


Is this the real life ?

Pendon Museum, Didcot, Oxfordshire
Pendon Museum, Didcot, Oxfordshire

An amazing model village – with thousands of hours work to reproduce and preserve every detail of a bygone age … Pendon Museum, Oxfordshire.

Pendon Museum
Pendon Museum

Thoroughly recommended for a rainy day !!! Pendon Museum – model railways and extraordinary detailed 1930s model village(s) – must be the most amazing diorama in Britain. 

Pendon Museum
Pendon Museum

Meself at Pendon Museum – a great way to experience history.

Bri at Pendon Museum"
Bri at Pendon Museum”

Do you have your red and green 3-D glasses handy ? Now you see why I got so interested !

Pendon Museum
Pendon Museum

As handsome a windmill as I ever saw. It’s that kind of day. 

Great Haseley Mill, South Oxfordshire - stereo
Great Haseley Mill, South Oxfordshire – stereo

And who knew that windmill sails had that amazing aerodynamic curve in the trailing edge ? And we think our generation discovered Science !

Great Haseley Mill - close up - stereo
Great Haseley Mill – close up – stereo

Amazing photo, Ms CharlieRagDoll !!! Heavenly indeed.

Photo by CharlieRagDoll
Photo by CharlieRagDoll

