DARWIN !!! The story of the young naturalist before he changed the world forever. It’s not a film – not a musical ! It’s a brilliantly staged PLAY in a new temporary theatre in the Natural History Museum. I was captivated. Fabulous production built around a deceptively simple set which perfectly evokes the Beagle’s incredible journey around the world. Great puppetry makes us feel we can enjoy the creatures he met in the way, that inspired Darwin to find his way to a glorious new truth. This is an evening you will be glad you spent – magical !
A rare quiet moment with my lady wife, and a lovely mosaic present – thank you Monica !
Thanks guys !! Thanks to Alison and Margaret and the pupils of St Augustine’s school Frimley – for leading the way to Hedgehog Friendliness ! Behind us is the run where three young rescued hogs (Rag, Tag and Bobtail) will make themselves at home for 5 weeks until they are ready to go back out into a friendly world.
Dr Bri and the Supervet ! Making a pact ! Can’t wait to see Noel Fitzpatrick’s Arena Show WELCOME TO MY WORLD when he comes to town ! Don’t miss it !

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