Very sad to hear of the death of Keith Flint.
I was backstage when Prodigy were playing a festival soon after ‘Firestarter’ came out. I was knocked out their records and the intensity of their show was awesome. But, feeling a lot of anger in Keith’s delivery, I somehow assumed he would hate us – Queen, etc. So I just nodded in respect when I saw him at the other side of the stage while the gear was being changed over. He ran straight over and did that Wayne’s World tongue in cheek bowing thing, and then spent a good five minutes telling me very warmly how much he loved our music and had been inspired by it in his life.
After that, I perceived him very differently. And I enjoyed their records even more ! But that’s the only conversation we ever had. How horribly sad that he got to the point of taking his own life at an age when he was still so potent. A tragedy of modern life.
R.I.P. Keith.
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