Face masks – Kings Daughters ‘Dancing in the Rain’


Smile face mask

SMILE MASKS ! On sale now !! At the QUEEN ON line shop.

All profits to Save-Me and the MPT (I think ! I will have to check that.)

I’m a little late with this, but I couldn’t pass up flagging my OWN safety masks – featuring the guitar fabric I designed for the “Hold Everything” waistcoats (vests) which are still available. All profits from this mask definitely do go to Save-Me – to help Anne rescue wild animals and give them a second chance in the wild.

Only a few of these left !!

Brian May Guitars face mask

Talia Dean and Kings Daughters on ITV news explaining how their new video will celebrate loved ones we have all lost to the Pandemic. For more details please visit Kingsdaughters website.

Talia Dean and Kings Daughters ITV News – August 2020

The new song is called ‘Dancing in the Rain’. Talia herself lost her closest lifetime friend only a few weeks ago, and was unable to say goodbye properly because of the Coronavirus situation – a crippling blow which inspired her to write this song. The invitation to send pictures of the ones we have lost and lost, for them to be included in this video, is open to ANYONE who has been bereaved in these tragic times.


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