Guten Morgen !!! – The fabulous Mercedes-Benz Arena ! 


Guten Morgen - Berkub 24/06/2022

Guten Morgen !!! It’s a beautiful day in Berlin !!! Time for these Boys to Make a Big Noise !!!

Guten Morgen Berlin 24062022 - parallel

Guten Morgen Berlin 24062022 - cross-eyed

What’s the best way to prepare for our FIRST NIGHT of the European Tour ? Get on the BIKE ! I’m absolutely sure that without my Cardio fitness regime I never would have got this far. Thanks BARNEY – my Cardio Trainer. 18 months ago I could hardly get as far as sitting on the bike. Now under your watchful eye I can take on the world once more. Get fit folks ! Without our health we have nothing !!! With our health ANYTHING is possible. Well, almost anything, it seems … !!!

The fabulous Mercedes-Benz Arena ! 

Mercedes-Benz Arena 24/06/2022

 My get-in ! Alles Klar ! Or did I forget how to spell that ?! A stroll into sound-check this afternoon ! 

Berlin ! Guten Tag !!

Brian May: My get in – Stroll in sound-check – Set ! – Mercedes-Benz Arena, Berlin 2

 Set ! Dear Berliners here we come !!
