“QUEEN – Rock The World” documentary, which was filmed by Bob Harris, BBC, during their US “News Of The World” tour in 1977 on ARTE TV.
They didn’t finished it in 1977, but we can see it now. With new, unreleased film material with many wonderful backstage scenes! You can see the documentary (60 min.) on ARTE online now until April 5th. Here you will find the direct link:
< PLEASE NOTE: The following videos no longer available >
Direkt video link: https://tinyurl.com/yd447wyq
Internet ARTE online: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/080131-000-A/queen-rock-the-world/
The documentary is in the German language, but the pictures and the music need no language.
With thanks to Markus Wanner
Here are links in FRENCH LANGUAGE
Direct video link: https://tinyurl.com/y9fvtrsc
Direct Link in French: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/080131-000-A/queen-rock-the-world/