We Will Rock You UK Tour MPT Bucket Collections:


Maureen and Peter Barclay - MPT

For the last two Mercury Phoenix Trust We Will Rock You collections the ‘Bucket Bosses’ have been in town! Maureen and Pete Barclay oversee all the MPT bucket collections in the UK and have done for the last 28 years! The first one took place in London in November 1994 and since then they have managed collections that have raised over £850,000. Yes, £850,000! Maureen and Pete collected £617.34 this weekend in Milton Keynes and £602.68 in Northampton the week before. Their energy is staggering, we love them dearly and they are at the heart of Team MPT.

The next WWRY MPT collection is in Reading on the 30th April at The Hexagon.

Donate to the MPT @ www.mercuryphoenixtrust.com/donate