Respects to all who marched against killing badgers and petitioned

Respects to all who marched against the tragic killing of badgers and all who petitioned the Government to stop it, as they promised.

The mood of disappointment is palpable, but they are right to still believe that Kier Starmer’s administration will have the courage to come through for decency.

This woman is extraordinary. Whether she is Betty Badger or Mary Barton, her dedication to opening the hearts and minds of those that sit in the grim DEFRA building is almost beyond belief, as she positions herself every day outside the door, gently reminding those who come and go of their responsibilities. Sadly most of their eyes and ears are firmly closed, afraid they might let the truth in ? But, like Galileo, Betty will not abandon hope. And neither will we, each in our way – right ? And History will prove us to have been on the right side all along.

Kier Starmer has the power to stop 30,000 badgers being killed over the next 2 years – FOR NO BENEFIT to farmers. We are all praying he will have the wisdom to see through the misinformation, and the boldness to act, to bring in a new era in which EFFECTIVE strategies are adopted to rid the countryside of bovine TB. And allow the badgers, falsely accused from the very beginning to live. Please watch our documentary – and encourage your MP to watch it too.

Thanks folks.



Thank You Wendy – one of the most actively compassionate people I have ever met. And thanks to all you good folks who gave your time. We shall overcome.
