Please join the virtual march to Make Animal Testing History
In May an innovative campaign was launched called ‘Make Animal Testing History’. It’s a first for animal protection campaigning, the first ever web-based virtual march for laboratory animals. The campaign focuses on using the revision of Directive 86/609 to enable Europe to lead the world in humane science. Through targeted, constructive and detailed policy work the aim is to strengthen three main areas in the new law
– improved protection for animals in laboratories
– transparency, accountability and enforcement
– the ultimate replacement of animal experiments with non-animal techniques
The online virtual march to the European Parliament is in full swing. The campaign is now operating in no less than 13 European languages including Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian. Citizens from across Europe are now being invited to get e-active by signing an on-line pledge and creating their own personalised avatar marching character to join a mass cyber parade through Brussels towards the European Parliament building.
Thanks to Wendy Higgins
– supported by
Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research [now Animal Free Research]
Four Paws
and Human Society Internatiomal
Brian’s very cute avatar has now joined the celebrities cheering on the marchers.

Brian’s quote:
Queen’s legendary
guitarist and songwriter.
“Humans do not have the right to abuse other animals in any way whatsoever. What on Earth makes us think we are that important? If we want to call ourselves civilised, a change is long overdue. No animal should ever be subjected to indignity or discomfort, far less a painful death, in the name of Science. Let’s make this despicable behaviour History.”