Brian May in New Romney on 17th August 2015…

18 August 2015 by David
(Opposite) Brian May and Anita Dobson in Dymchurch
Local residents were shocked to see superstar Brian May from pop group Queen walking through New Romney on Monday.
The Queen guitarist was happy to talk to admiring fans and is believed to have been visiting the sister of his actress wife Anita Dobson.
Hayley Banyard said (on Facebook): ‘I’m sure I walked passed him about half 9ish in town. I’m terrible at noticing things but I’m sure I remember that coat’
The notorious 68 year old rocker has more recently become famous as a Science pundit since gaining his degree in Astrophysics. In October 2007, May was appointed a Visiting Researcher in Imperial College and continues his interest in astronomy and involvement with the Imperial Astrophysics Group.
He is co-author, with Sir Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott, of Bang! – The Complete History of the Universe (published in 2006)[118] and “The Cosmic Tourist” (published in 2012).
Asteroid 52665 Brianmay was named in his honour on 18 June 2008 on the suggestion of Sir Patrick Moore (probably influenced by the asteroid’s provisional designation of 1998 BM30).[85][119]
May appeared on the 700th episode of The Sky at Night hosted by Sir Patrick Moore, along with Chris Lintott, Jon Culshaw, Prof. Brian Cox, and the Astronomer Royal Martin Rees who on departing the panel, told Brian May, who was joining it, “I don’t know a scientist who looks as much like Isaac Newton as you do”.[120] May was also a guest on the first episode of the third series of the BBC’s Stargazing Live, on 8 January 2013.
Legendary guitarist spotted shopping in Shepway
19 August 2015 by Antony Thrower
Brian May was seen in New Romney
LEGENDARY Queen guitarist Brian May visited Shepway this week – and even stopped to have a couple of photographs.
Mr [Dr] May was seen running errands in New Romney on Monday, much to the shock of many shoppers.
“Samantha Godden posted online: “I saw the white hair and the coat and thought ‘that’s Brian May’ then I told myself not to be so daft.
Dave Sussex added: “What a great bloke to actually take the time to stop and pose for the photo. “I’ve always loved Queen!”