Brian May has made a video for ESA calling on humanity to sort itself out before heading out into space…
“Hi folks,
I am Brian May, I am British, I am European as we speak and I’m an astronomer and a musician.
My space dream is based on the words, which you can find in this book, which were uttered by hero Neil Armstrong, shortly before he died, at a conference that I attended.
He said this, he said, ‘Let us hope that our grandchildren at our age can look back and say the 20th century was a century of advancement and improvement in technology and the 21st century was a century of advancement and improvement in human character’.
My space dream is that we sort out how we behave on our own planet before we venture out into space.
And when we do go out there, we take decent values with us, we take values which embody respect for all creatures, each other, and all the other species which inhabit our beautiful blue planet.
It’s my dream that we take this decency into space and procreate responsibly the spirit of the best of human nature. Thank you.”