Badgers Rock !


Bri and badgers

On the eve of the Judicial Review, which we hope will finally put an end to the awful spectre of Badger killing on a a huge scale in the UK …

At Save-Me, we had a day of celebration today, Sunday – because, on our small scale, we established a small family of young badgers in a new home … a temporary home, because soon, when they are able to look after themselves in the wild, they will be free – free as Nature intended, out there with a second chance at a great life.

Yes, all these little chaps (4 girl and 3 boys) were orphaned or displaced … one of them was rescued from badger baiters having been hit with a baseball bat …. it’s, to me, unfathomable how anyone would want to hurt these delightful and highly intelligent creatures. So the family is made up of a motley collection, but a family they already definitely are.


Bri and badger

Today they were installed in a nice lush green run, safe from harm, and for the next few weeks they will grow fit and strong, and learn the tricks of survival in the big world out there.

The battle for British Badgers is being fought on a large scale, in the highest court in the land. But for these little creatures, it has been fought quietly on their behalf … and for now, they are safe.

People ask “But do they carry disease ?” Well, all these little cubs are triple-checked, and have a clean bill of health. Of course they all come from places where there are no cows. So there is no TB. I hope the Judges who will be presiding over the JR from tomorrow are able to think about that. The badger is innocent. Bovine TB was let loose in our countryside by the farming of Cows. Yet Badgers are persecuted and victimised – as if they were the villains. Not true.

Bri and badgers

Look at these guys ! This is what we are fighting for … for them, and their grandchildren, and for the right of OUR Grandchildren to live surrounded by a rich countryside filled with wild animals – as Nature intended.

All photos here are by Anne Brummer, founder of Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue, and now my new CEO of Save-Me. There will be many more pictures on the Harper Asprey Website.

There are seven badger cubs here. All very happy tonight.

Bri and badgers


