It was a good night at the Dorchester. The Make-a-Wish people have been doing these dinners for over 20 years … in which time they’ve raised over 20 Million pounds for the cause.
What they do is make wishes come true for children with life-threatening illnesses … it’s lovely work they do. As a matter of interest, it was because of Make-a-Wish that I met little Vicky Moore, all those years ago, and we became friends. We continued to make music almost up until her sad, unfair death, which nobody could stop. Her writings are still on this site – she was quite a girl.
Tonight was a good experience … I tweeted a pic of Kerry and me just before we went down to the show.
But what we didn’t show was the reality … us being snuck through the kitchens to make our entrance. Ah … the glamour ! ha ha.

And we did play a song for Freddie, of course – Life is Real – actually even more stripped down than on our tour … because there were no keyboards to back me up on the solo section. To be honest, it’s a little harder, but I kinda like the extreme purity of truly one guitar and one voice. The other songs: I, Who Have Nothing – always enjoyable to play (extreme dramatic starkness!), Born Free, the Kissing me Song (again – ultra simply) – and Crazy Little Thing for an ‘encore’. They gave us a standing ovation … very heartening because it was not an audience who had paid to see us. THANKS !
Our Brilliant cast from We Will Rock You did the cabaret later in the evening. Big thanks to you guys … that’s a lot to ask after a day’s work in the Dominion.
Kerry is now back in technical rehearsals for WAR OF THE WORLDS. That will be something to see … I’m sure a lot of you will catch the show on tour in the coming weeks.
Me? I have to get an op done soon on the torn cartilage (and other damage and debris!) in my knee. But first I will be in Liverpool – doing my job as Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores.
Cheers All