I’ve been quoted about The Sky At Night and Stargazing Live, so let me be clear – I believe BOTH programmes are precious. But The Sky At Night needs our support.
This speech from Dominic Dyer honestly exposes so many lies. Show this to all who care.
Dominic Dyer at Taunton Anti Cull March 7.9.13– http://youtu.be/jbl5iR2GxA0
When does Britain stand up and say NO to these despicably cruel despots? A sickening disrespect for life:

How incredible that the NFU was saying they didn’t want to EXTERMINATE badgers. And now they want to gas the setts ??! Unbelievable. Shout it from the rooftops. The NFU/Government have failed in shooting of badgers, and now they are ‘researching’ GASSING the badger setts. I can only ask, DEFRA how much ‘research’ on gassing badgers do you need to do to discover that you are now wildlife criminals?
We all know some farmers are doing it already. That’s not hearsay. I’ve had some making sure I knew it. Law and Order broken down.
Yes, I know a lot of good Conservatives too who are decent and on side. But somehow we have to remove this cruel corrupt clique.
My own comments at June Badger rally:
Stop the Cull Rally: Brian May’s Speech 1.6.2013 London– http://youtu.be/xyFN4pwBNyQ
Thanks to great audience at London’s WE WILL ROCK YOU tonight. A milestone – 11 years of Rockin !!! & Huge thanks to our brilliant team. Rachel John tore the place apart tonight singing No One But You. Did anybody video it ? Tell me.
The fabulous Rachel John in action with some old bloke. Good luck out there Rachel.
Thanks to Ed Carter for photos.
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