{Written early hours]
I’ve been overwhelmed by the amazing messages you’ve been sending me, folks, since I wrote about my ‘Health Scare’.
It’s taken me by surprise – for many reasons. I really didn’t realise how much you guys were gunning for me … it’s great to know that, and I can’t thanks you enough. It puts a smile on my face. But I didn’t realise that biting the bullet and mentioning the “C” word would unlock such an avalanche. I now realise that so any of you have been wrestling with this all along, personally, or in family or friends, and, like me, found it hard to share. Hearing of your experiences, and courage, and hopes, and solutions, has been a massive eye-opener for me. Of course I’ve been very close to it before … notably in my dear Dad, and, as you can still read on this web site, with the amazing Vicky, who was probably the bravest girl I’ve ever known – some of her poetry and diary entries are here: VICKI’S WORLD.
I feel like I have a whole new understanding of the way people – all people – deal with frightening news, and move on into the next place. I know I won’t be able to answer every message … but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I’m making a start on some replies now.
I’m going for another scan tomorrow [30 Dec] early, so I’ll know more soon. Like I said, my specialist has given me permission to be optimistic ! Later on tomorrow I’ll be working quietly on the art work for the DVD of Kerry and me in Montreux, and on our programme for the tour in February. Good stuff.
Cheers all … and I hope you’re enjoying this ‘limbo’ time between Christmas and New Year. I find it … odd, these days – at the best of times !! But for little ones, it’s a nice moment of quiet to enjoy your new toys with Mum and/or Dad – or … whoever !
Wishing you all Happy Moments.

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