Ep 8 announced.
Bri Music Vid Channel born at last !
BRIAN TALKS #8 – The Brian May Music section is LIVE – http://youtu.be/Y875bpgsuFI
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This is the very first music video to appear on the new official Brian May Youtube Channel. It’s a live track from a concert by the Brian May Band, recorded at the Brixton Academy, London, on 15th June 1993.
At the moment when we’re putting this up on this new channel, this video brings back powerful memories. Touring as a front man, following Freddie’s passing, I was in complete denial of Queen, and regarded my new band as my future. I was blessed with the massive support of the late great Cozy Powell on drums. Here we see Cozy in fabulous form. Of course, when Ritchie Blackmore’s band, Rainbow, recorded the monumental version of this song that charted in 1979, Cozy had been the drummer, and for me, covering this track live was a kind of homage to Cozy. The vocal is almost impossibly rangey, and I made it a personal crusade to work on my voice, extending my range so I could sing it. The band was a dream outfit for me … with already legendary heavy rock stalwart Neil Murray on bass, who had worked with Cozy (and my friend Tony Iommi) in one of the incarnations of Black Sabbath, long-time Queen collaborator Spike Edney on keys, newly recruited Jamie Moses on guitar, who remains a great friend to this day, and two stunning backing vocalists, Catherine Porter and Shelley Preston. It actually gives me a chill up the spine to see this outfit in full flight, as clear and bright as if ‘twere yesterday.
The Brian May Band – Since You’ve Been Gone – Live At The Brixton Academy
– http://youtu.be/T3qqRZhWzDI

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