At the Live Aid Set


We had Bob Geldofw as a guest this week at the Live Aid set. He enjoyed !

Bri, Roger and Bob Geldof Live Aid set

But it’s all being torn down now. Soon it will be just an airfield again. Quite sad to see this beautiful recreation becoming part of history just like the original. But its legacy will hopefully be something wonderful – a new portrayal of the spirit of those moments in a way that could never be achieved from documentary footage. Bryan Singer’s vision of Freddie and of us as Queen might just stun the world all over again.

Rami at piano as Freddie - Bri watching

Yes it was a memorable moment watching Rami ‘do’ Freddie on stage in full transformative accoutrements for the first time. Not to mention Gwilym and the boys doing ME ! Glad I was around to see it. It’s yet another experience I never dreamed I would have. Grateful. Excited !

Bri and Gwil look at first 3-D photos of Bo Rhap boys

Can’t resist this one any longer ! Double Vision ! Gwil and me discuss my first stereo photos of the Bo Rhap Boys on the Live Aid set in the first day of shooting of Bohemian Rhapsody the Movie. Precious moments ! Bri. Photo: Pete Malandrone.
