A quick video plug ! I like this one a lot !!! Nice job, FOX ad guys !
Trailer: “Bohemian Rhapsody” movie Mama Mia’ clip– https://youtu.be/JdkE2QUUSkI

At Windlesham Bowls Club today ! [12 July] Why ?! Because they have become Britain’s leader in Hedgehog friendly policy. No herbicides or pesticides, and they have installed a ramp for the hogs to save themselves when they fall into the sunken area – which all bowling greens have. This is the FUTURE !!! Thanks Windlesham Club! Please tell your local Bowls Club.
Details on Save-Me website.
The hedgehog-saving ramp newly installed at Windlesham Bowls Club. It’s not rocket science – but it works. Wanna see the proof ?
The proof !!! He can climb out now ! This chap was rescued by Reg, Windlesham Bowls Club official, when he got trapped on the sunken green lawn. After some TLC at Save-Me, he’s fully recovered, and as soon as the heatwave is over he will be back in his familiar patch. But this time safe from entrapment – and safe from poisonous chemicals too. What a great example for Britain to follow – to give hedgehogs a chance to recover.
Thanks !!! From Save-Me and the Hogs !! Is this just Fantasy ?

Or Is this the Real Life ?

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