Preparing for my 5 minutes of fame on Good Morning Britain ! Actually they might put us on early, it seems, since I am here, and one of the other guests isn’t ! I’m here to stop the demonstrably useless badger cull. I will demonstrate as well as I can in the time. I never find live TV easy. But somebody has to do this. Somebody has to TRY to stop the senseless cruelty. Today it’s me.

Well, here’s me at 7.30 am today, ‘debating’ with a farmer who ended as he started, still as adamant as ever that killing badgers will solve the problem of bovine TB. I wonder if he really believes it.
I actually found the experience very hard and frustrating. I felt like I never had the chance to finish a sentence, so I failed to say what I wanted to say – that I’m on the same side as farmers who are fighting the disease, but we are winning where the current Government strategy is failing. I was also disappointed that the farmer was no longer even in cattle farming, and had been primed to simply block the hope we’re offering, by constantly interrupting and quoting false statistics which Owen Paterson was peddling 10 years ago and have long been discredited.
I think such discussions are 90 per cent unhelpful to anyone, and I think this may be the last time I attempt to fight the cause in this very unsatisfactory way. Nevertheless thanks for all the good comments you’ve sent me, folks. We will be publishing the words I INTENDED to say on the Save-Me website tonight. I just want to put the real facts on record.